Another reason for creating JeeZez was the fact that more and more of peer-to-peer solutions seem to become the target of government snoops and ISPs. People are getting their connections cut and accounts disabled for running programs like Bearshare and Kaaza. Even if the data transferred was produced by the users themselves, their transfers could be tapped and accounts closed. Agents for the music industry in particular, but probably any industry that could loose money because their content might be copied, could pose as a content-provider and lure users into traps. JeeZez solves this by creating an encrypted, closed, invite-only network of nodes, where users have to be approved before being granted access. This is an option of course, not the rule. And this does not mean JeeZez is aimed at warez-trafficing or software-pirates. It simply a tool for users who want to communicate with others in a private, secure fashion. The content inside the cluster would be accessable to members only.
JeeZez might also be used as a personal organizer, a web-log, a todo-list, - simply a place available to you whereever you are. When I sit at work my JeeZez-node is running on my machine at home. Functions in the core keeps updating a dynamic DNS-service so that I can access my server at any time, even if my ISP changes my IP-address. The information is password-protected and encrypted, only available to me. Creating new services takes a minimum of time and it's easy to extend existing ones to add new functionality. This way users can customize their JeeZez-node exactly how they want.
The fourth and final reason for this project being born is the fact that Internet is getting too big, too diverse. This is not a bad thing in itself. The problem is that almost any piece of information nowadays is wrapped in a layer of ads, pop-up windows, smart-tags and other forms of non-related elements that will take focus off the thing you were looking for in the first place. I'd like to be part of a community that exists solely becuase some people care about the same thing, that's free for annoying ads and where information is accurate, personal and rich. Add higher security and privacy and a framework for distributed services - you got JeeZez.
It's also free and open source.
More technical information will be available later. JeeZez is becoming ready for an alpha-release, more or less a proof-of-concept release. Not all the functionality is implemented yet, actually very little besides the application-server-part ( which leaves encryption, distributed network code, security etc. etc. ), but at this rate I hope to have a beta ready by the end of the year.